Saturday, April 23, 2011

SA 1 is coming soon!

Dear boys and girls!
It's time to plan our SA1 revision wisely and to focus on our studies.
Exams time is usually stressful and tough. Do press on and endure.
Let's encourage one another to try our best.
After SA1, we will be able to relax and enjoy our June holidays!

Dear parents,
The following Exams Schedule has been sent home in a letter.
Please help to supervise your child to revise at home. Thank you.
Week 6 (next week)
29 April Fri: Oral exams
Week 7
5 May Thurs: English Listening Compre and Composition exams
6 May Fri: MT Listening Compre and Composition exams
Week 8
10 May Tue: English Paper
11 May Wed: MT Paper
12 May Thurs: Math Papers
13 May Fri: Science Paper
Week 9
16 May Mon: HMT Papers

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Dear 5B!
We are the winner - 1st prize for term 1 (P5/6) - Cleanest Class Award!
A clean and conducive environment can indeed help us to learn better.
Do keep up the good work and continue to take responsibility to keep our classroom clean and tidy!